You don’t get to see him.
The six-year old boy living in my head.
He’s traveling the world wide-eyed and happier than anyone you’ve ever met. Right before he meets you, he talks himself into looking grown-up, checks his reflection in a window and tries to wipe the grin off his face. He’s living the dream. His dream. Walking up to shake your hand, he’s making an effort. Oh, boy, is he ever. He’s doing his utmost not to skip those five last steps like a little girl, fall into your arms and thank you for letting him do what he does. He can’t let you see that happy boy within.
Not yet.
Instead he looks all grown-up and talks to you about business and stuff.
Nods and shows you albums.
But you should know this.
He’s six years old – if that.
And he’s fighting the urge to stick those straws up his nose.
But he loves you for letting him do this.
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FANTASTIC! super cute photo!
had to smile, thanks
so stoked for you…
you are awesome.
Made me smile. Thanks for this, Jonas.
Jonas, my brother has told med that when he walks in his business suit on his way to work (his dreamjob too) he often thinks “When will they discover that I’m just a skateboarder in disguise?”
Congratulations to your success, you SO deserve it.
Nice to know we weren’t the only ones with butterflies as you talked to us about business and stuff, and nodded and showed us albums! You are shooting our wedding in three weeks, and your blog makes us feel like we already know you, which takes so much stress away. Thank you!
way to make a brotha put on a smile.
im just starting my second career – doing something that i’ve always wanted and dreamt about. it’s not easy and it’s scary and well just wanted to say that you’re inspirational. thank you.
Haha, du är så skön Jonas! 5+ för detta inlägg. Det är skönt att ibland få se bakom fasaden på andra människor och se att vi är ganska lika trots allt.
Charming :)
Super cute.
I could’ve written this. It’s exactly how I feel. Except that I’m a six-year-old girl still in love with love and fairytales, and really truly believes that dreams DO come true, who stares in starry-eyed wonder at every new and beautiful thing every single day.
Cheers, little boy, from the little girl inside of me.
nice one
You just turned my frown upside-down. Thanks for making me smile. I feel the same way. Except, like a little girl.
you look much younger than six there, buddy.
but i get ya :)
you don’t know how meaningful it is to read a blog post like this from someone so successful. i’m thrilled for you and thrilled that you are wide-eyed and happy. so many people in your position use their energy to criticize other photographers and you put your energy into improving your work and wowing us all. i am new. and i was accused of being wide-eyed by some photogs in my market. i know it was a criticism, but to me, it’s a compliment. i’d rather be wide-eyed than burned out and cynical. way to go, jonas! and thank you :)
love this post. grinning from ear to ear now.
ha ha, you too?
Nice to meet you super talented 6 year old.
Totally feeling the same here, you just explained it real good. Are you sure you’re not 7? :)