I get quite a few questions regarding my photography; what gear I use, settings, if I prefer to shoot RAW or jpeg etc, etc. I’m more than happy to help out. For that reason I started answering questions here a while back. I have now answered some 500 questions, so if you’re interested in what I do and how I do it, chances are you’ll find it answered there. If not, please ask me your question and I will try and answer it.
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Hi Jonas,
What software are you using nowadays for your slideshow? Thanks
You did say ask anything. Can you explain your post processing technique?
Hi Jonas,
Thank you for doing what you do. Your captures are so emotional and real.
I am an aspiring wedding photographer and recently made a commitment to brand myself and use a different web site host. Are you happy with pro photo?
Do you enjoy your lifestyle? I am sure you do. I am aching to be a professional photographer and capture weddings.
I wanted to ask why your clients choose you as their photographer? You do a great job.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you, Jonas.
You should make a FAQ and post it so you don’t have to keep answering :)
I just wanted to add a bit of fuel to the fire here. I have personally asked Jonas a bunch of questions and I couldn’t be more thankful. His advise and suggestions have pushed my creativity and have made me work harder to be a better photographer.
You are a pretty amazing dude Jonas, and I am sure I speak for everyone in our community when I say thanks for taking the time to do what you do. FTW
Fantastiskt fina bilder, snubblade in här av en slump. Du gör bröllopsbilder på en annan nivå. Vackert.
Jag har en vän i UK som också gör intressanta bröllopsbilder, fast på ett annant vis. Kika om du har lust :)
Hur gör man om man tycker sig veta precis hur den där perfekta bilden ska se ut i fotoögonblicket, men är kass på att manövrera kameran så att resultatet blir bra. Kameran blir liksom ett hinder bara för att man är så värdelös på det tekniska. Har läst några fotoböcker men tycker att de förklarar uruselt. Hur blir jag bättre på att förstå hur min kamera fungerar!? Vad läser jag, vart ska jag titta, vart börjar jag? Tack och bock på förhand. ps. har bilder på min blogg ds.
a friend was just telling me today how cutthroat photographers– or anyone in any business, really– are and how ruthless they can be. definitely thank you for being so generous as to actually answer most people’s questions.
loved, loved, loved all the sharing. just one thing… sons of anarchy? really?
perhaps I should submit that question.
That’s very generous of you Jonas in an industry where cards are often held close to the chest.
Thank you!
and that’s what makes you more than just an amazing photographer.