Another day at the office

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  1. Now that’s a stunning shot – well done. You know when shooting a wedding I must be in the zone as it’s not until I look at the photos afterwards that I really appreciate how lucky I am – how beautiful “the office” really is.

  2. what a tough day at the office!!! LOL!
    your work is beautiful, and i always enjoy reading your blog. thanks for continuing to inspire and show some of us what the rest of the world looks like!!

  3. Den här bilden ser ut som en scen ur bibeln! Jag får filmkänsla när jag ser den, och som vanligt är det en bild som man inte scrollar förbi utan som stannar till och blir berörd av! En bra dag på jobbet m.a.o! :)

  4. Looks very similar to the wedding I shot in the Caribbean, except without the mountains in the background. Seriously, you have to stop copying my work Jonas, it’s getting a little embarrassing. PMSL


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