Älskar verkligen dina bilder, för du fångar känslan i bilder på ett så ovanligt sätt. Håller inte med den ovanstående, jag älskar bilder i rörelse, de blir levande på ett fantastiskt sätt; bra gjort!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So no, I can’t. No offense. We all like different things.
Could you tell me what’s so good with this picture? Don’t get it wrong, i’m a fan of your pictures and a photographer (on a hobby level) myself. I know it’s difficult to explain, since taste is individual but i can’t see the beauty of this one. It’s basically what you get if you point your camera out of a moving train in my opinion. Something about the light maybe, i don’t know?
Thanks for great blogging, both this and the swedish one ;)
As stunning a picture as always and a beautiful song. Thanks!
Taken while driving? Your middle name must be danger.
Älskar verkligen dina bilder, för du fångar känslan i bilder på ett så ovanligt sätt. Håller inte med den ovanstående, jag älskar bilder i rörelse, de blir levande på ett fantastiskt sätt; bra gjort!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So no, I can’t. No offense. We all like different things.
Could you tell me what’s so good with this picture? Don’t get it wrong, i’m a fan of your pictures and a photographer (on a hobby level) myself. I know it’s difficult to explain, since taste is individual but i can’t see the beauty of this one. It’s basically what you get if you point your camera out of a moving train in my opinion. Something about the light maybe, i don’t know?
Thanks for great blogging, both this and the swedish one ;)
As stunning a picture as always and a beautiful song. Thanks!
Taken while driving? Your middle name must be danger.