When Johnny, founder of Swedish fashion giant Acne, was told by his wife to be, Teresa, they were booking me as their wedding photographer, his reaction was, “There’s no way in hell we’re booking a Swedish guy who lives in Australia to shoot our wedding in New York, it’s outrageous.” Shooting the wedding over three days and nights in NYC was funny in many ways for me, the lead singer in my favourite Swedish band was there, film makers and musicians and people I’ve known about for years. At the end of the day it was like any other wedding I shoot, friends and family having a good time with people they love. And that’s what I set out to shoot. Like every other Saturday.
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You great story teller. Amazing images!
Bring it to the store, and they usually have those maniechs that take bottles and stuff. You can get a couple cents, usually 5 cents, for each bottle.
Great fun this one.
super sprawa
Love your b/w pics. Great job, wonderful wedding.
Love this wedding. Any thoughts of running a course in London?
I’d love to help organise.
Wow! I am a great fan of black and white photos… These are all amazing! The first one is beautiful. Great work of art!
gorgeous wedding! looked a blast
Fab dancing shots…you’ve really caught the full on, having a great time, dancing like crazy passion of the occasion – lovely contrast to the calm city by night window shots
The bride has very high energetic level which helps for taking better photos.
Top notch coverage Jonas. Clever use of angles, monochrome and the emotion captured. Bravo.
this song… seriously amazing
Beautiful work as always. The first photo is definitely one of my favourites, love the city scape.
Simply stunning.
Love all of them!
Den första bilden är så häftig!
Outstanding, Jonas!
very nice and classic!
This wedding is a “classic” yet. Love!
As always Jonas you’re an amazing story teller. With this set of images you have placed all of us next to you while you were capturing the raw emotions of this special time in this couples life. Thank you for been an inspiration to all of us.
love it :)
From the first image to the last …awesome!
Awesome work again! Lot of cool BW-images, gotta love it!
Gorgeous as always.
Epic set, but the 1st picture is amazing!!!
Fantastic Jonas!
I remember you talking about this wedding at the Gotland workshop last year.
Who sings this song? I love it!
Brilliant as usual. So awesome to see such great moments captured.
Beautiful work Jonas – yes a bit crazy Swedish guy – living in Sydney – shooting in NY
Amazing! Love the silhouette of her against the city.
Stunning work, as always! This is such a fashionable wedding – it reminds me of something straight out of Sex and the City!
AMAZING! Love all these shots. Stunning work, as usual. ;)
Totally badass! Love love love!!!
beautiful Jonas