{matt & tamsin} ~ wedding ~ noosa

Matt and Tamsin. Where do I begin? Wow. I don’t know. The love these two show each other, their friends and family is an inspiration in so many ways. I feel very lucky that they chose me to capture their wedding day in Noosa a couple of days before Christmas.

And what a day it was.

img_0516bw2img_061121mahoney-05121img_52091img_52411quattro1img_52741img_53401img_07201quattro21img_54631groomsmen1img_08131img_55241img_55381faces21img_09121img_11831img_10081img_0982-21img_0983-21img_0984-21img_10131bromance1beach1gollum22portraitimg_58871table1img_58951flowers1img_59962img_61121tears1img_62581party2img_63761 And here’s a little slideshow. Just click on the image.

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  1. Love your work Jonas – just keeps getting better.. but did anyone notice the naked person in the back ground of one of the beach shots? Climbing over the rocks in what looks like only a bow tie? Am I missing something?! :)

  2. om jag någonsin hittar en bra karl och om vi av en händelse bestämmer oss för att gifta oss, då ska du få fota mitt bröllop, för herregud vilka bra bilder! Levande!

  3. Yup, it’s official, you suck! I am now really jealous. You have a lot of talent and I would kill for for just a little of what you have. Your eye for shots is impeccable. Good luck and I can’t wait to see what else you come up with, a far as weddings. Congratulations!

  4. Tack, Lina. The track is called Heaven by a group called Lake. I have used tilt-shift on some of the shots.

  5. the picures are truly stunning, is tilt-shift used? nevertheless my question is what song is played in the slideshow? other than that keep on taking amazing pictures and make me gaze in wonder… the only thing I enjoy these days is looking at your photos!

  6. This is one of the most amazing weddings I have ever seen. I can’t imagine how you managed to be everywhere at the same time to get these amazingly emotional and spot on images. Super-Duper kudos to you! I’m so inspired.

  7. Så vackra bilder. Får ont i magen när jag tänker på våra misslyckade bilder som ligger och skräpar i byrålådan:-( Tänk om man hade fått dina bilder istället…

  8. Fin-fina bilder! Råkade kolla in dessa timmar innan jag åkte på min första bröllopsfotografering, sänkte mig nästan, så bra var det. Undrar vilket program du använder för att göra dina slideshows? Är på jakt efter nåt, tacksam för tips.

  9. Wow, I love your pictures. Especially the ones on the beach, great with pictures that aren’t as formal and stiff like many other wedding photos often are!

  10. I love those spur of the moment pictures; the guys getting surprised by the water at the beach, the girls shoes, the father of the bride with that crazy hilarious expression on his face, the newly married man with tears in his eyes watching och listening to his beatiful bride. Those are the moments that make a wedding. And you nailed it.

  11. Probably one of the most beautiful weddings I’ve ever seen. Nothing kliché about it, really genuine and lovely. Also the best looking bridesmaids dresses ever!

  12. I love that you don’t shoot weddings the typical way. You do it your way, and that’s something quite great. Fantastic photos!

  13. Stunning. Fan-frickin’-tastic.
    Suddenly I feel so sorry for every single bridal couple who didn’t have you at their wedding.

  14. Fantastic photos and what a beautiful couple. I bet they are very happy about them.
    I wish I had even 10% of your talents when it comes to photography.

  15. Thanks for all your lovely comments. I means so much.

    Rickard: Yup, that’s what they asked for.

  16. Lovely pictures! You really know how to capture feelings and emotions in your photos, and to be right on time! My favourite must be the photo with the dress and the women round the table, it’s brilliant!

  17. Fantastic Jonas! I hope that if I ever get married, I´ll have you there to capture that day in your amazing way!

  18. Amazing photos Jonas, your wedding photos never look generic or ordinary, you really bring out that magic in each image.

  19. Beutiful pictures! Seemes to have been an amazing wedding! Love the pictures of the groomsmen=) I really hope that you keep on doing this for a few years, otherwise I’m in a real hurry;)

  20. well done.. that TS lens is pretty amazing.. if I have a few grand laying around I might pick one up :)

    the color one of the guy with his beard cut off is excellent..another website/portfolio addition for sure.


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