As we were driving to Nick and Mel’s wedding in Boonah, i turned to Jac and said, “I have a good feeling about today”. “You always do”, she replied. And I guess that’s true, but this time there was definitely something in the air.
Mel found her vintage 1950’s dress just a week or so before the wedding and Nick, who according to insider information “looks ridiculous” every time a camera is around, looked completely at ease all day.
Can you believe people actually pay me money to be part of amazing days like this?
Insane, I know.
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So nice garden wedding! Beautiful
This is great! I’ve done a few weddings as the “second” photographer with no pressures.
Wow, cool story on the dress.
You are so good at this! Harsh sunlit pics, and they rock!
Really love these photographs. I think the great use of depth really stands out. The love the colour too. Brilliant.
The pictures are truly classic. The bride’s dress is gorgeous. I just love everything about this wedding of this two lovely couple.
The Bride by the Front Door, I like that a lot. I like all the photos but that one works for me, the whole playing with light. Nice going.
Photography is an art, and those photos are work of art, location is perfect, the view is scenic, great shots!
Classic! :) this wedding looks really intimate and simple but elegant, the people behind this occasion made a great job.
Looove it!
Excellent pictures! I especially like the picture where the lady is looking through the netting of her hat :-) keep up the good work!
these are SO incredible. Think I am going to spend the next few hours going through your blog! Hope you don’t mind xxx
This is my first visit to your blog after following your link from another blog. I am SO inspired by your work!! It is so romantic and nostalgic. The image of the bride standing in front of the closed door (19th row from the top) is sooooo incredibly gorgeous..
That first shot is totally amazing, I love how your colors subtly pop and contrast with the hilly scene in the back. You totally rocked this entire wedding.
what a stunning dress!! but who is the designer?
Such amazing images! Don’t suppose you’re planning a holiday to Perth in October? I’m even marrying a Swede! Surely that counts for something?! I don’t think anyone I find in Perth will match up to you now…grrr!
Synd att vi redan gift oss… För sådana här bilder från den dagen hade inte varit fel…
Your photos are so original, it’s amazing.
If I had a dress like that, I would try to find a way to wear it ev-er-y single day….
LOVE your images, ESP the NON cliche images of the weddings & portraits and how you use diptychs. Nice work…
Dina fotografier är så vackra att det värker i hjärtat.
seventy two comments? that’s legendary status. stunning work.. inspirational as always.
if mel ever sells her dress, i’ll be the first in line. what a stunner!
I love her wedding dress! And those pictures with the horse was amazing!
What the frack!?! (Just saw “Monsters vs. Aliens”) This is mindblowing. Seriously….?!?!??! You are so awesome!
I love the frames on the wall, such a fun idea for a photobooth
Wow, just stunning work!
I just discover your pages and wonderful pictures here thanks to an article about you on trendwelt.blogspot.
It seems to me that maybe the feminine part in you is speaking while focussing on beautiful details, colours and non-colours. So unique and full of mouvement and emotions.
This is really ART in my eyes and simply a magnificent ode to LIFE!
Thank you for this visual pleasure.
Marjolijn (Belgium)
The way you processed these images gives it a timeless feel. I also like your use of space in the images it is very creatively excuted.
I love that your work is so UNIQUE, Jonas. You can look at it and say “Oh, that’s a Jonas Wedding!”
What an amazing guestbook idea! I love the shot of the dress blowing in the air!
You rock mate!! Fantastic work as usual!
Stunning. I love how you capture the feel of a wedding.
I can only agree. These are some of your best work!
Hang them high!
Thank you again, Jonas! You completely captured the mood of the day, and each of these shots are nothing short of perfect. I must admit that Nick and I spend far too much time staring at these pictures! I cannot wait to see the rest.
This is your best wedding yet Jonas. You need to post more pictures from this wedding! It is totally amazing.
This couple deserves the best life together.
Finns inte ord för att beskriva dina bilder! Så otroligt vackra och konstnärliga är dem. Gillar skarpt dem med hästen i just den här serien.
You capture life so sweetly Jonas. Thank you for inspiring me.
you are my favorite fotographer from now on.
grattis jonas till länken från kul!
These are so incredibly beautiful. What an amazing dress and such a happy looking bride and groom. I am however concerned about the bride’s arm in the picture of her sitting on the fence with the horse. Is that horse *eating* the bride??
Your pictures take my breath away!
Thank you!
Jonas your work is really good mate, I’d say in it’s own way as good as anyones, anywhere, anytime. If you have been shooting weddings for less than a year you’re a bloody wunderkind:)
Oh wow!! This is truly beautiful!!!!
Gaaah! Det är så otroligt fint, kan nästan inte ta in allt, smälter mer och mer för varje bild. Himmelskt.
Absolutely stunning!
Jag älskar dem!! Såhär vill jag att mitt bröllopsalbum ska se ut.
Incredible work! I can’t choose a fvourite. They are all very special.
Fantastic pictures! Amazing landscape as well!
Always a pleasure viewing your work Jonas. The b&w’s are amazing, my favorites are the bride and horse. Beautiful imagery all around!
freaking beautiful! cheers from mexico.
Jisses vilka vackra bilder ! Helt amazing, här kommer jag fortsätta att kika in ;)
Oh wow!! This is truly beautiful!!!!
Great photographs!
Awesome! What gorgeous shots! Thanks for sharing! Jane
Absolutely amazing!! Love the dress and the mood of the photos just match it perfectly!
She is possibly the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. Amazing pics as always!
Awesome. Just awesome. You are such an inspiration, Jonas.
I don’t know what to say. Stunning. Beautiful. I feel like I am there when I look at these photos.
Jonas, how do I put this… I’ve always thought your pics are more than beautiful. But sometimes I’ve felt that they pretty much look all the same. I mean, you have your style that you follow and that’s all good and beautiful but to me it sometimes felt like I’ve seen the pictures before, just with a different bride and groom in them.
But this time. I absolute LOVE LOVE LOVE these ones. They feel a bit different to most of your previous work. The ones with the couple in the field, those are just lovely. “Du har overtraffat dig sjalv” (couldnt find the proper English expression). How happy this couple would be to get these photos as an eternal memory of their big day.
Hi jonas-fantastiske billeder. Din måde at se motiverne er bare helt unik og anderledes. You are indeed an artist with light. Tak for det!
Underbart ljus och stämning, magiskt! Allra ljuvligast är det lyckliga delade skrattet i gräset, vilket minne. Åh, vad begåvad du är! Tack
Wonderful pictures as always.
That wedding dress was so beautiful!
Congratulations to the happy couple! And to you, beautiful as always. I love watching the slight change in style with every wedding, how you become bolder in your photographing. Lovely pictures of great moments!
There’s something special in these pictures. Of course they’re magical ’cause of the wonderful photografer, but it’s something more. Perhaps something about that feeling you mentioned. It seems like the whole wedding had it too.
Oh,my god! you really captured the moments here Jonas. What a beautiful couple! (i LOVE the dress!)
I must say that this my favourite weddingphotos you have taken,Jonas.
You are a true artist!
It’s unreal how beautiful these pictures are! I can’t find the words to describe it. You are the only person I would trust with my own weddingphotos.
oh herregud sa fina bilder du tar! Jag ar sa grymt avundsjuk pa dig och sa otroligt inspirerad att sjalv lara mig att bli battre på att fota. Tack for att du delar med dig!
The B&W with horses is cinematic. Very nice Sir!
oh wow….I’m really… stunned. this is your best so far and that says A LOT! my hat is off for you but it has been for many years now :)
Now we are talking again! This is absolutely amazing! This is about being able to document a feeling, a special day. And so refreshing that there is no overkill in PS. Simply gorgeous!
lovely work. absolutely beautiful.
Gapskrattar åt korten på de dansanta. Underbara. Och hennes klänning. Och färgerna på landskapet. Here I go again… titta, jag analyserar. Jag ska sluta. Det är färgerna, formerna, blickarna. Du fångar varje stund. Jag begriper inte hur du gör men ska jag gifta mig någon gång och har råd, ska du få komma till Göööööteborg!
Your pictures are really nice. I’m a big fan. :-)
You’ve taken wedding photography to a completely different league. Amazing Jonas. Well Done.
The shot of her waiting by the door, capturing her amazing dress is my favourite.
Gorgeous as always Jonas! I recommend your site to everyone I know and if I could afford to I’d get married again just to have you take the pictures. (I know you get that a lot – but that doesn’t mean it’s not true)
Amazing stuff. Really amazing.
you always leave me breathless; wanting more. inspired. thank you for that.
This is unbelievably wonderful. Her dress is the most fantastic garment I’ve ever seen. It fit so wonderfully with their wedding, and you were the perfect choice as their photographer. What a gorgeous affair :)
Your pictures just take my breath away.
The weddingcouple is stunning, and her dress is very unusual and pretty.
Amazing! You really catch all the feelings and tensions and happiness!
Wow! Vackra & härliga bilder som “vanligt”!
Kul att du, kanske medvetet, fick med Twitterbirdsen på en bild å!
Dina bilder är grymma Jonas!
Simply stunning! And the dress is The Most Beautiful dress I have ever seen on a wedding. Your pictures make me want to get married again…
Stunning as always! Just amazing!
Couldn’t decide on a favourite, ’cause they’re all too awesome!
Oh hell!!:D This is awesome! So much originality. I love the details, such as the frame wall:P And you are truely a texture genius:)
awesome as always!!! you’ve got skilllls
Just amazing, as everything else you do!
sooooooooooooooooo awesome. amazing amazing amazing. great to see the full set finally!
Great pictures as always! I love the one when she is standing at the door. The back of the dress is amazing!