I get a few wedding inquiries. And even though I do get to shoot all over the world, I try not to get my hopes up. Plans change and weddings get cancelled. And for me it’s sometimes as exciting shooting in my own back yard. When I received Cheree and Mitchell’s inquiry about shooting their wedding, I reacted the way I normally do. I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Not only were they planning on having their reception at the Sydney Opera House, they also planned to have TWO weddings, the second one in Cape Town, South Africa, two weeks after the first one. I would have jumped at either one.
Well, they went through with it and I flew to Sydney to shoot their first wedding. And the same thing happened as always happens, I started shooting and time and place became irrelevant. I was shooting a beautiful love story, just look at the way Cheree and Mitchell look at each other, look at the way their families share those precious days with them. It wouldn’t have mattered where they got married. Not with love like that. It was interesting to see Cheree’s South African family share their joy with her and Mitchell in Cape Town, how much more at ease they were with their close friends around. Mitchell’s Maltese family shared the Sydney part of the wedding with them, but in many ways I wonder what it would have been like if the first part of the wedding would have taken place in Malta instead, Sydney the obvious middle ground, a mix of their two cultures. But home is always home. But saying that I know it wouldn’t have mattered. Look at Cheree looking at Mitchell. Look at him looking at her. Both in Sydney and in Cape Town. It wouldn’t have mattered where in the world they got married. They were already home.
Styling & florals (Sydney): The Style Salon
Reception: Opera Point Marquee
Celebrant: Pauline Fawkner
Videographer: Brian Morrow aka. Shark Pig
Suit: Hugo Boss (groom) & Peppers (groomsmen)
Dress: J’Aton Couture
Rings: Keshett Jewellers &Bulgari
DJ: Impression DJ
Cars: Broadway Limosines
Bonbonniere: Tea towels printed by Red Octopus
Music Credit: Balmorhea – Dream of Thaw (iTunes)
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Gorgeous couple and stunning photography!
These photos are so beautiful! Would you mind telling me where in Sydney was the ceremony held pleaase? We would love to have our special day there as well!
What an amazing place to shoot a wedding. They are all beautifull but i love the one by the tree. Great work!
So beautiful. Wearing style, colors, design, every thing is fabulous
Love your black and whites!
I really the way you captured all the beautiful moments of the wedding ceremony. One of the party photo is looking amazing, I would appreciate your creativity.
well done mate! like your style, similar to mine:-)
Love the contextual shots in the woods etc, really help show the narrative of the day!
Gorgeous! I want to get married again so you can photograph my wedding!!
Amazing!! Wow!! Stunning wedding photography.
amazing photos
Very nice works
Very Beautiful Photos Indeed..Boom I Love It:)
What a gorgeous wedding. Just love the one at the opera house with them in the doorway.
This is so awesome !!!!
jonas, you are a rock star! what beautiful images. i can see what you mean about how these two look at each other. you can feel the love ooze from the photos. lovely!
The forest setting looks amazing. Even the rain couldn’t dampen their moods!
I have only just come across you’re site and it’s going to mean i get a lot less work done! Some of what you do is just so different and original. I can see where a lot of people have been getting their ideas now. Amazing shots at the opera house. I especially love the last one, in the doorway.
Jonas these are stunning! Superb work as ever mate
Beautiful inspiring work as usual from you! :)
Du måste ha världens bästa jobb! Vilka fantastiska bilder du tar. Och vilka miljöer du får vistas i. Galet avis ;)
So full of love. Beautiful images.
congratulations, beautiful story, I love the way you tell the story in pictures.
Woweeee! What a treat. Especially love the Opera House portraits but everything you’ve included here is perfect. Great, great work.
Gorgeous photographs! They capture the day so well, looks stunning.
several of these images actually took my breath away. thank you.
Beautiful set of images – also really like the portrait with the silhouetted tree, but so many other outstanding shots
well ladies & gentlemen.. i believe that’s the ballgame!
Wow, beautiful capture Jonas!
absolutely stunning film work, all of these are just beautiful!
Like the last one for sure.
Jonas this is GOOD NESS. Thank you for sharing.
Awesome photographs as always. Truly wonderful.
These are amazing man!
So strange to see images you have shot in my City. Hopefully you will be back in Cape Town some day soon.
Beautiful Jonas!
Get outta here. Insane man. Totally and utterly beautiful work my friend. You’re untouchable Jonas. Jay x
Jonas, this is just out-of-control awesome. The shot under the spotlights in the alcove with the reflection on the ground took my breath away… literally.
Incredible work Jonas. An amazing story.
beyond. you know, just absolutely. beyond.
Beautiful, just beautiful. :)
very cooool!!! :)
Wow! What an adventure the two weddings must have been. Your storytelling is great as usual.
Exquisite as always. Love the composition in the shots with the 12 Apostles in the background. Gorgeous.
just LOCO brother.
Thank you for being you and doing what you do. Really.
I am in awe. You are the best and such an inspirational.
Wow, this one is amazing Jonas. Best Ive seen in a loooong time!
You’re a rare talent friend.
Too cool!
OMG .. again .. ANOTHER AMAAAZING IMPRESSIVE peice of Art!!!!!!!!! The LAST SHOT .. wowww!!!! How’d Yu do that ..????? xx
Amazing. One of my favs, fo’ shizzle.
You know what I love the most about your photography Jonas, is that no matter what a story is told. An image could be a little soft, or out of focus (rarely) but you still capture the moment every time. It’s something I hope to emulate myself, I’m too harsh on my exposures sometimes thinking that if it’s not crystal clear and sharp then it’s no good.
I’m so happy we got the change to publish these beautiful pictures! Du är fantastisk på det du gör. Sluta aldrig.
lovely image :)
There’s not much left to say, breathtaking photos Jonas!
so superb jonas…ur pics have something to tell…u are my idol !!!!
Yes, the venue/location wouldn’t have mattered.. not just because of the way the couple looks at each other, but also because you are a masterful storyteller and capture weddings with such emotion and passion. Bravo!
Love the emotions in so many of these. The way you see is brilliant.
Wow….Wow!!! What a great set!Awesome! Awesome!
Great work Jonas !!! We’re waiting for your WS in Barcelona… :-)
i want to go there.. all of it
And there it is.
I come here often but dont comment often: today is different. These are extraordinary.
what an amazing wedding to capture. Just gorgeous
Beaut work Jonas! Some wonderful emotion in these pixels.
Love it. Especially the mixed colour stuff you have going on in the trees there.
Beautiful again and again….
Absolutely FABULOUS!!! Felt like I was actually there!
Magnificent, Jonas. You’re correct–it doesn’t matter where the weddings were or when–the love is just there.
One of my favourite weddings that you have shot. Breath taking!
It’s not hard to see why you get a few wedding inquiries.
Simply Beautiful.
Just too beautiful, every shot is needed and gorgeous! Stunning locations too hey?! Now going to look through again (& again…!)
Brilliant, Jonas.
Well just as I think you can’t do any better you suprise me again. Such beautiful and heartfelt work.
Holy Moly so many great photos. You must have the biggest grin when looking at these.
just magic to see my beloved home city (cape town) through your eyes. amazing work as always.
seriously heart stopping stuff…unbelievable. i can’t wait for you to shoot our wedding, whenever it happens.
wowee…..love them all. amazing.
I want to live in your photos. Just brilliant.
Stupidly good. JP you are like no other.
Just awesome. Loving the blog experiment.
Outrageous! So good. Thank you for inspiring
Love this: https://jonaspeterson.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/bezzina_capetown108.jpg. You make even the most simple things so awesomely beautiful.
I like the way you see the world. It’s very inspiring.
Dina bilder är lika inspirerande som vanligt! Jag kommer ihåg första gången jag hittade till dig och dina bilder. Det var via Flickr, och det var i samband med att jag återupptog min egen fotografering efter ett års uppehåll. Jag var fullständigt fascinerad av dina berättelser, ditt enkla och raka sätt att fotografera och din förmåga att fånga känslor. Dina historier fick mig att ligga vaken under natten, tänkandes på dina berättelser och kännandes de känslor som du förmedlade via dina bilder.
Tidigare har jag endast fotograferat natur och landskap, men du har inspirerat mig att börja fotografera människor. Du har inspirerat mig till att försöka berätta en berättelse och att försöka dela med mig av känslor med mina bilder.
Någon gång i framtiden kommer jag att berätta den här historien för dig igen. Jag kommer att upprepa den här historien för dig när jag ber dig att fotografera mitt eget bröllop. När jag ber dig att föreviga min och min flickväns kärlek till varandra. Jag hoppas att du kan befinna dig på plats, vart det än är, för att göra det. Då, någon gång i framtiden.
my heart palpitated. so, so beautiful.
love the truth spoken through your photos and words.
Love, love, love.
dudarama…. killer post brother man
So dope!
What an amazing event… And a beatifull well told story :)) Just lovely….
Wow, so beautiful. I love the Sydney Opera House images!
first comment after many months of viewing Jonas…….but the light on the CT wedding is, well, beautiful and I had to tell you (even though clearly you know)
. A constant inspiration…..
This is killer jonas
A story beautifully told. You’re photography takes my breath away just for moment. Awesome!
I can’t get over this. So beautiful. So incredible. Well done Jonas.